Preschool buzz words
Learn about: Preschool buzz words from Joanna Port,...
One of the common buzz words that you're going to find on a preschool tour right now is Reggio Emilia. Reggio Emilia was a developmental approach established and created in a town in Italy called Reggio Emilia. They look at each child as individual and growing at their own rates and they look at the preschool as a learning environment for the child, the parents and the teachers. Another word you might hear is progressive. A school that says they're progressive just means that they are up on the curriculum. They're current and developmental. Another buzz word you might hear is “our school is play-based.” What that means is that their focus is on play that children learn and grow and changed through play and that's all that means. You might also hear that our school or a school is child-centered which was a go with the child’s learning. If a child is showing their one thing, they’ll go with that or another thing, they’ll go with that. They go with where the child’s at in their learning. Or you might hear on the tour that “our curriculum is teacher-directed” which means it’s a curriculum which there are teacher-directed activities or a specific activity will require teacher to direct the children. Those are just some of the many buzz words that you will hear on a preschool tour.
Learn about: Preschool buzz words from Joanna Port,...
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Joanna PortEducational Specialist & Executive Director of PEL
Joanna Port is Executive Director of the Parents Education League (PEL) of Los Angeles. She holds a master's degree in Education from Pepperdine University and a master's degree in Social Work from University of Southern California. Before having four children of her own, she worked as a social worker with families and children in residential treatment. After she obtained her teaching credential, she worked as a teacher for four years. Coming back to work as PEL's Executive Director, she is able to combine her degrees and interest in education and children's mental health in her hometown, Los Angeles.
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