Background checks for child care
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Are there background checks for people that work in childcare? There are background checks, and again you want to check with your state what the requirements are. I'm familiar with the state of California. In California, the background checks happen whether in your family childcare home or in a center. There is a process that there's fingerprinting and they go and they do check. If I choose a family childcare home for my child, at the point that the license happens and that provider gets a license, everybody in the home who's over the age of 18 does have a fingerprinting and they have a background check. If afterwards, somebody who's over 18 does move into the home, it's the provider's responsibility to make sure that they have a background check. Licensing, when they do come out, they check to make sure everybody who's in the home over 18 does have a background check. But in the state of California, and you'll need to check in your state, licensing may come out quarterly, they may come out annually, they may come out every 3 - 5 years. So if your provider hasn't gotten the background check, you may not know who's living with that provider, so you want to check that. In the center, in the childcare center program, the centers, they have background checks and teachers have it. They go to the Department of Justice, so they do have that. The other thing though is as people get hired in, centers staff and center directors are responsible to make sure that they have their fingerprints done, so when licensing does come out they check to make sure that everybody there does. If your center hasn't done that, then there may be a problem also. So you want to check with your center anytime anybody new comes in. It's okay to ask the questions. "Do you do background checks? Have they been checked?" You're your child's advocate so you want to make sure that those things are happening.
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Eileen FrisciaChild Care Specialist & Program Director of CCRCLA
Eileen Friscia is dedicated to working with families and children. She has over 30 years in the early childhood profession combined with early childhood development education, experience in program development and implementation, parent relations, strategic planning, and administration. Eileen has worked at the Child Care Resource Center for the past 17 years and has participated on many local, county and statewide workgroups and committees.
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