Abortions, miscarriages and fertility

Fertility Specialist Kari Sproul, MD, explains the effects that abortions or miscarriages can have in making it more difficult for a woman to conceive
How Abortions and Miscarriages Affect Fertility - KidsInTheHouse.com
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Abortions, miscarriages and fertility

So if a patient has a past abortion or a miscarriage, and they were treated with something called the dilation and a curettage, one of the risks of that procedure is that they can have scar tissue in the uterus. If they do have scar tissue in the uterus after that procedure, then it may be difficult for the lining of the uterus to grow and to thicken, and therefore it may be difficult for them to conceive. However, if there were no complications from the procedure, whether it be for an abortion or a miscarriage, and they don't have any scar tissue in the uterus, then that procedure should not affect their fertility at all and actually has no impact on their ovarian function or any other factors associated with their fertility.

Fertility Specialist Kari Sproul, MD, explains the effects that abortions or miscarriages can have in making it more difficult for a woman to conceive


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Kari Sproul, MD

Fertility Specialist

Kari Sproul is a Reproductive Endocrinologist and Infertility (REI) doctor in Los Angeles. She sees patients who have irregular menstrual cycles, as well as patients who are trying to conceive.  She is married and has a 20-month-old son.  In her spare time, she enjoys all outdoor activities.  She also loves to run and recently completed her first triathlon. 

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