Dealing with friends and family's opinions about surrogacy

Learn about: Dealing with friends and family's opinions about surrogacy from Angela Whittaker,...
Dealing with friends and family's opinions about surrogacy | Kids in the House
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Dealing with friends and family's opinions about surrogacy

My decision making process to carry a child for Desmond and Curtis was unique in that I have this core group of sole sisters with my cute little gay friend Hal sort of thrown in there. And through circumstances completely beyond my control, I actually got the chance to meet with each one of them - they live all over the country - within a year's time, and sit down and have this talk about, what do you think about this? What do you think about me carrying a baby for my two friends? And all of them gave me their blessing. But it was my parents, who I'm really very close with, who asked some really hard questions, especially my father. He's the father of 5 children, and one of 5. And I think he was a little concerned about my emotional attachment and involvement during this process. And what it was going to look like on the other side. I have a wonderful core group of people in my life. And they were really honest with me. And at the end of the day, it was really me knowing myself on a deep level. And I knew I could do it. And I knew it was going to be okay. And I knew it was going to be beautiful and magical. And it was all of those things.
PREGNANCY, Fertility, Surrogacy

Learn about: Dealing with friends and family's opinions about surrogacy from Angela Whittaker,...


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Angela Whittaker

Voice Actor & Writer

Angela Whittakergrew up in the San Francisco Bay Area.  Quite the entertainer from a young age, she constantly tortured her family with her self-directed plays and shows.  She received her B.A. in Organizational Communication from California State University, Sacramento.  She found herself doing commercial voice-overs for a medical company, got a voice-over agent, and the world of radio and television opened up to her.  She moved to Nashville to pursue singing, started meditating, and fell more deeply in love with the universe.  She studied meditation with Deepak Chopra and became one of his certified instructors.  She opened a little business called “House of Bliss,” and traveled around the country with Deepak, performing at his seminars, selling CDs (music and spoken-word poetry) and living the life of a spiritual gypsy for a few years.  She ended up on a meditation retreat in India with Deepak and 500 other people from around the world.  Everything turned upside-down during this life-changing trip when she had a vivid dream and decided to carry a baby for her gay friends, Curtis Shaw and his  long term partner- legendary songwriter, Desmond Child. Her pregnancy with the twins is chronicled in Angela's Diary-The Journey of a Surrogate Mother, a memoir awaiting publication and in the documentary, TWO-The Story of Roman and Nyro. Angela now lives with her husband, Manuel, in Santa Monica, California, and does voice-over work, currently represented in both Los Angeles and New York.  Her meditation practice remains the glue that keeps it all together, and she enjoys teaching in her spare time.  

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