Explaining COH and IUI

Fertility Specialist Kari Sproul, MD, explains how COH and IUI are used in fertility treatments for women who are ovulating on their own but not getting pregnant
Controlled Ovarian Hyperstimulation & Intrauterine Insemination
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Explaining COH and IUI

In patients who are already ovulating on their own but are not getting pregnant, one of the treatments that we can offer is to try and help them to get pregnant is to increase the number of eggs that they ovulate. When we do this, we use certain medication to do this and the process is called Controlled Ovarian Hyperstimulation. We are essentially trying to have the ovary ovulate more than one egg to increase the chance of the patient getting pregnant. We use certain medications to do this – we can use Clomid, we can use injection hormone medication as well. And generally, if we do this treatment, we do recommend adding on intrauterine insemination, shortened just as insemination, because we do think that it helps increase the pregnancy rate a little bit, even in patients with normal sperm. After 3 to 6 cycles of what we call Controlled Ovarian Hyperstimulation or COH and an intrauterine insemination IUI we know that if a couple hasn’t conceived after that number of cycles that their chances to conceiving really do fall off. And so after 3 to 6 cycles of COH IUI, if they haven’t conceived, we either recommend a different type of treatment or we recommend something more aggressive.

Fertility Specialist Kari Sproul, MD, explains how COH and IUI are used in fertility treatments for women who are ovulating on their own but not getting pregnant


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Kari Sproul, MD

Fertility Specialist

Kari Sproul is a Reproductive Endocrinologist and Infertility (REI) doctor in Los Angeles. She sees patients who have irregular menstrual cycles, as well as patients who are trying to conceive.  She is married and has a 20-month-old son.  In her spare time, she enjoys all outdoor activities.  She also loves to run and recently completed her first triathlon. 

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