Home birth attendees

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Home birth attendees

During my first homebirth I did elect to have family and friends present. It was very exciting and I thought it would be a great idea. So I invited my mother and my husband’s mother and a couple of close friends. And basically, what they suggest you do is if you invite people to your home birth, give them a duty, a task, such as maybe taking care of other children or food preparation, taking video, something of that sort, keeping the house clean. The problem was that sometimes, because the birth is so overwhelming at times for people, it can sort of botch up your plan. So my mother and mother-in-law became sort of useless during the homebirth. So the second and third homebirths I chose not to have anybody else there.

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Expert Bio

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Stephanie Caspian

Preschool Director and Mom

Stephanie Caspian owns a child-directed preschool and daycare called Maple Tree where they practice nonviolent communication (NVC). She lives in Santa Monica with her husband and three boys. Stephanie is the president of the board of Manhattan Beach Nursery School and an assistant den leader for the Cub Scouts for Boy Scouts of America. Her spiritual practice is Nichiren Buddhism in the Soka Gakkai and she dedicates her spare time to the SGI-USA, an international organization that promotes peace, culture and education in the community.

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