You cannot create motivation in somebody else. This is the danger of strong parents, who feel that because they are personally motivated, they can lay their motivation on the heads of their children. Motivation is internal, and there's a very simplistic formula for what is motivating.
What Motivates Your Child?
Activity, plus a sense of satisfaction, equals motivation. So if you want to motivate an individual, what you do is create an environment where they can be successful and feel good about what they are doing. But very often parents are giving critical messages about school. Study harder. Work harder. Get better grades. So the whole activity of learning gets imbued with a certain amount of anxiety and stress, and so we find that children are not motivated. If, in fact, we are giving positive messages, I love the way you tried. What I love is that you never give up. What a great idea that you had. You know, how exciting it is to see you express yourself. If those are the kinds of positive language that you are using as it relates to the learning environment, you will find a child that will become motivated, because they're gonna feel good about that experience.