Top tips for parenting an overweight child

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Top tips for parenting an overweight child | Kids in the House
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Top tips for parenting an overweight child

We deal with obesity and families all the time especially with children who are over weight. My one recommendation for families who have children that is over weight is to do not ever in any way's you perform identify to them that they are over weight. Don't make it an issue, don't put them on the diet, don't do any of that. Try to look counter productive, but what you need to do instead is change the family dynamics. You can have 2 skinny parents with an over weight child but I can promise you that the things that they are eating and there's activity that they need to be doing. So when you have a child that is overweight the one thing that you don't want to do is draw attention to their weight problem. That's not recommended at all. in 2007, 12 out of every hundred thousand children under the age of 12 had type 2 diabetes. But 2700 of them had an eating disorder. So that's not what you want to create. Don't ever draw attention to their weight because you will create an eating disorder if they don't have one already. So what do you do instead? You change the entire family to save that 1 child. You completely change what's being eaten and the activity because that's the only way to change their lifestyle. And not make them crazy. If you make it about the date, if you restrict their calories, if you turn it into what you have to do what happens is that they feels like that they have to lose weight to be loved and that's not the message you want to send to children.

Watch Video: Top tips for parenting an overweight child by Leah Segedie, ...


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Leah Segedie

Mamavation Creator

Leah Segedie is a fitness matriarch in the social media realm who helps “digital moms” learn and sustain healthy living practices to combat obesity. She has lost over 170 lbs. over two pregnancies and is an inspiration to women all over the Internet with her communities and

Leah has been recognized for several feats in her professional and personal life such as being named “Mom of the Year” by Shape Magazine, also being named the 4th most Influential Mommy Blogger by Cision Media, compared to Lady Gaga for her unique social media tactics in The Huffington Post, and Bookieboo being named a “Favorite Weight Loss Blog” by Fitness Magazine.  Leah has a master’s degree in Communication Management from the University of Southern California. She was also Commencement Speaker during her 2001 Graduation Ceremony at the University of Southern California when she received her Bachelor of Arts in Communication. She lives in Simi Valley, California with her husband and three young children.

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