It’s amazing how much joy and entertainment a few simple items can bring to children when put together in a certain way. Arts and crafts can have many benefits including helping kids make sense of the world and actually helping you parent better. Not to mention, when kids are older it won’t the creation they built that they will remember, but rather the fun time they spent bonding with their parent(s).
How to Participate:
Submission Details for Share Your Story Blogger Event: For this months Share Your Story event, we invite you to create something original with your child, whether it be art, craft, game, toy, whatever. Capture it in a post – feel free to create a tutorial so other parents can try it, describe the fun you had making your creation, or simply show off your finished product.
Deadline: Monday, September 8. Fill out the web form (click on the link or fill out the form on the bottom of the page) and email your submission by 5:00 p.m. Pacific time to office@kidsinthehouse.com
Event date: Monday, September 15. Before you post your story, we will send you an email with a little blurb in html to paste your submission that will introduce the Share Your Story event. You will publish your post on August 11 and email us the link to your post if you haven’t done so already. As soon as everyone’s posts are published on August 11 by noon Pacific time, we will send out a finalized list of all the participants’ links to generate lots of link love to help promote your site! We’ll send you the full instructions in the email we send before the posting date.
Please submit your details into our web form: This will help us to compile the links list. The web form can be found at the bottom of this post, or else click here to enter it on a separate page: Share Your Story Participant Form – DIY Crafts with Kids
Please do: Create a well-written post that is brand new and on topic.
Editors’ rights: We reserve the right to edit your piece or suggest edits to you. We reserve the right to courteously reject any submissions that are inappropriate for the Share Your Story event.
If you don’t have a blog: Feel free to send us your post anyways. If we like it enough, we may even contact you about guest blogging for Kids in the House. However, if you have a great story you would like to share – we highly recommend that you start your own. WikiHow is a great starting place and walks you through the entire process step by step. If you’ve considered starting your own blog before, check out this article or watch our video from Tsh Oxenreider, Author and Blogger of theartofsimple.net, in which she shares her advice for aspiring bloggers and writers.
If you have questions: Feel free to contact us at office@kidsinthehouse.com with any questions, comments, or concerns.