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coloring book for older kids
There is nothing like the joy of spending an afternoon coloring with the kids. You have books scattered all over the dining room table, crayons scattered and rolling off to the floor, and you asking them nicely not to peel off the paper. Coloring is such a fun family-building activity, and I bet you never realized how good it actually is for your children.
boy vacuming carpet while parents relax
It’s that time of year again, summer cleaning, and being organized is the hot topic of conversation. Everywhere you look, friends, celebrities and news outlets are promoting the life-changing power of organization. What is a busy parent to do? We asked our Kids in the House experts for their advice on how to get your house in order. Here are their top 3 tips: 
colicky baby
The issue with colic is there is no one magic cure.There has not been much research on it so doctors still do not know exactly what causes it, and it is hard to decipher what the best treatment is for the painful screams.
baby on a plane
8 Ways to Turn Flying With an Infant Into a Nightmare and Piss Everybody Off 1. Take the red-eye flight. It is cheaper and the baby will sleep since you are traveling overnight, right? Wrong. Babies are usually much happier in the morning, and more likely to view travel as an adventure. At night, anything that interrupts their sleep is going to make them cranky. Also apt to get cranky: the business travelers on your flight who were hoping to catch some Z’s before their a.m. meeting. But by all means, don’t take our word for it.
mommy list top 10 things to do before having a baby
Congratulations on your pregnancy! If this is your first baby, this is truly a monumental time! With all the work you are doing physically, mentally and emotionally to prepare for your little one, make sure to take time for yourself and enjoy it. Enjoy the smiles and extra assistance from strangers, not having to suck in your belly, and special treatment from loved ones. This is your time! In a few months it will be the baby’s time, so make the most of it, indulge yourself, spoil yourself, be spontaneous and adventurous and make it all about you!
3 Habits Of Healthy Families
Having a healthy family does not happen by accident. It takes planning and trying. It takes dedication to your relationships and determination to be strong and healthy. We are going to share some tips with you that you may not hear often. But, these tips are tried and true, and they will give you positive results. More than physical check ups
Finding the Right Flange Size
Because Breastfeeding is advocated strongly by pediatricians all across the world, it has become even more important to focus on breast bumps and flange that not only make pumping easy but efficient as well. Using a breast pump may become uncomfortable if the flange size is not the right one.
Sugar-Free Diet for Your Children
According to the American Heart Association , your child should not take more than four teaspoons of sugar per day. The problem is that most children consume more than thrice the recommended amount. When you or your kids eat sugar, you are damaging your body with weight-gaining food that has zero nutrition. If you are willing to introduce your children to a sugar-free diet, you are a step closer to a healthy lifestyle.
sizzle reel
  Leana Greene of Kids in the House gives you an overview of the past Live TV shows as well as fun new upcoming TV projects we will be working on in 2018.  
kids and sports live tv show
How can we encourage our children to thrive under pressure? What’s an easy way to make sure our kids are safe on the field of play? How can we inspire our children to stay active and stay happy? Being a good parent to an awesome young athlete can be hard! Luckily Kids in the House has gathered experts for a livestream discussion to help answer these, and many more questions. Catch the replay of the livestream at
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