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Why You Should Push for School Uniforms

As a parent, you have surely encountered the hot topic of the School Uniforms debate in your children’s schools. Most schools have free dress with a list of guidelines - guidelines that are often ignored or hard to enforce, and particularly hard to buy for. Since school dress codes are hard to enforce due to personal interpretations by parents, students, and staff, it would be smart for schools in America to move towards implementing school uniforms in public schools.

Alternatives For College Reluctant Teens

Everyone wants their child to be successful. Even in the delivery room, you probably had thoughts in the back of your mind of your child attending an elite university and attaining some prestigious degree that will lead to a high paying job. But the reality is, despite your best hopes and dreams, there is a very real chance that your kid won’t want to attend college.

Applying Japanese Style Food Education For Your Kids

Something always on the minds of parents is nutrition. You want to make sure your kids are getting all of the nutrients they need, but it’s not always clear what that entails. New nutritional guidelines help by suggesting portion sizes and diet styles, but even if you can apply these at home, you can’t always guarantee your kids will be getting the same nutrition and education at school.


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