Co-sleeping benefits

Secrets and benefits of co-sleeping from expert Helena Heyman. What can you do as a parent to make your child happier and healthier throughout their first years.
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Co-sleeping benefits

The benefits of co-sleeping for our family is the number one sleep is more sleep, more sleep for the family, more sleep for myself and really more sleep for the child. And there is a great mother and child bond while you have the child so close to you. You also have the opportunity to feed the child more throughout the night, which increases your breastmilk. It also allows for the child not to cry for long periods of time for the time that you can´t hear the child and getting up from your bed to go to their room. You have the child right next to you. You are able to quickly pick up the child, comfort the child, feed the child or even change the child in the middle of the night and then to be able to go back to sleep without getting up and spending your time going from room to room. Co-sleeping was something that was incredibly important for our family and for our three children. And I felt like I got to spend the entire evening, night with them and knowing that they were safe and close to me. It also reduces the chances of SID and you have the chance to really pay attention to your child throughout the night to make sure that the child is okay.
BABY, Babies and Sleep, Co-Sleeping

Secrets and benefits of co-sleeping from expert Helena Heyman. What can you do as a parent to make your child happier and healthier throughout their first years.


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Helena Heyman

Literary Manager & Mom

Helena Heyman is a yoga-loving, working mother of three children aged seven, five and four months. She lives in the Los Angeles area, where she works as a literary manager. 

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