Baby Gates

Baby-Proofing and Child Safety experts Nancy Spigelman and Kimberlee Mitchell dive into the dangers babies can face daily.
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Baby Gates


- For outdoor areas and staircases, staircases whether they're in the home or outside staircases, we always mount gates at the top and the bottom of the stairs. You never want to use a pressure gate at the top of stairs. A child could easily push over a pressure mounted gate.

- I would recommend gating off the living room area so that your child doesn't have access to go down the hallway. The way you know your child is cordoned off to one area. To make this one area safe, I would first off start with a fireplace. Fireplaces are very dangerous. There's a lit pilot, a flame right there in the room and you don't want to give your child access to that. Putting up a heat treated baby gate is a wonderful solution to keep your child safe.

- For decks, balconies, areas that have railings, you want to make sure the opening is no more than four inches wide. For areas that do need some kind of protection put on them, we recommend using plexiglass. It's the most attractive product out there. A child cannot get a grip on it to climb it as maybe perhaps they could with netting.

BABY, Baby Safety, Baby Proofing

Baby-Proofing and Child Safety experts Nancy Spigelman and Kimberlee Mitchell dive into the dangers babies can face daily.


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