Reasons for premature delivery
Blogger Amanda Knickerbocker shares what caused her preterm delivery.
My preterm delivery was brought on by what is called, pre PROM or premature rupture of membranes.
My water broke at 23 weeks gestation. I was admitted to the hospital and stayed there for five days before I developed an infection occurred and they were not able to stop it. Charlotte was born by emergency c-section at 23 weeks 6 days gestation.
Other reasons for a micropreemie delivery might include preeclampsia, which is high blood pressure and can lead to seizures by the mother. Or a condition called IUGR, Intra Uterine Growth Restriction, where the blood flow between the placenta and the child is very poor and the child is not getting the nutrients it needs. It is actually safer for the baby to come out instead of inside of mom.
Blogger Amanda Knickerbocker shares what caused her preterm delivery.
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Amanda KnickerbockerBlogger & Mom
Amanda Knickerbocker is the wife of a pediatrician, and the mother of two children aged three and twenty months. When her daughter was born at 1.2 Pounds, 11 inches, spending 200 days in the NICU, Amanda began blogging about her family’s experience. She continues to offer support and community to parents of preemies at Understanding Prematurity.
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