Difference between preemie and micro preemie

Blogger Amanda Knickerbocker explains the difference between a preemie and a micro preemie.
Difference between preemie and micro preemie | Kids in the House
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Difference between preemie and micro preemie

The difference between a preemie and a micro preemie is that a premature child is any child born before 37 weeks of gestation. So a normal pregnancy typically lasts 40 weeks. A micro preemie, depending on the source, people define it differently, but typically it is a child born at less than 28 weeks gestation and weighing less than 1,000 grams.

Blogger Amanda Knickerbocker explains the difference between a preemie and a micro preemie.


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Amanda Knickerbocker

Blogger & Mom

Amanda Knickerbocker is the wife of a pediatrician, and the mother of two children aged three and twenty months. When her daughter was born at 1.2 Pounds, 11 inches, spending 200 days in the NICU, Amanda began blogging about her family’s experience. She continues to offer support and community to parents of preemies at Understanding Prematurity. 

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