Golden Nugget Parenting Advice

Katherine Stone, Parenting Columnist & Advocate, shares her Golden Nugget of parenting advice for new mothers on the importance of being willing to reach out and ask for help from others
Golden Nugget Of Parenting Advice From Katherine Stone
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Golden Nugget Parenting Advice

If you are worried, as a new mom, worried that you might have postpartum depression, up in the middle of the night watching Kids in the House videos, trying to figure out what is going on, my advice to you would be to hang on. Don't give up. Ask for help no matter how hard or uncomfortable it's going to be, and it will be, because I've been there. Just ask for help, and reach out to other moms around you or on the Internet who have been through this, because we will hold your hand and we will help you. Just don't give up. Don't give up on yourself. You're going to be a great mo.

Katherine Stone, Parenting Columnist & Advocate, shares her Golden Nugget of parenting advice for new mothers on the importance of being willing to reach out and ask for help from others


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Katherine Stone

Parenting Columnist & Advocate

Katherine Stone is the founder and editor of Postpartum Progress, the world’s leading blog on postpartum depression, and a columnist for Disney’s She’s also the founder of Postpartum Progress Inc., a national nonprofit focused on vastly improving support for women with PPD. In 2012, Katherine was named one of the fiercest women in America as part of More magazine’s annual Fierce List. She also was listed among the most influential mom bloggers in 2011 and 2012 by Babble, and has been selected as a Health Hero by WebMD. Katherine has been featured by CNN, the Huffington Post, Yahoo, AOL, PBS, The Today Show, HLN, ABC News and the Washington Post, among others.

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