Pediatricians and Chinese medicine
Mao Shing Ni, PhD Doctor of Chinese Medicine, shares advice for parents on how using Chinese medicinal in addition with your Pediatricians treatments can help to keep your child healthier
Pediatricians are really amazing in the way that they keep our kids healthy.
However, they are limited in terms of tools that they use. A parent will bring a child in with a cold, let's say. Unless it is a bacterial infection, there is nothing that can be done. Go home, take Tylenol, whatever else, and just make the child comfortable. He or she is right, in that, the human body has a self-healing mechanism. Respecting and working with the whole person would be really helpful to focus on for pediatricians.
Pediatricians and Chinese medicine can really collaborate in a nice way. In the case of simple common cold, what we can do for the child is stimulate and help the immune system to overcome the invading pathogen, bacteria, virus, whatever it might be. In allowing the body to do its own work because the child needs to be able to produce its own antibodies, not to be given the antibiotics. If you keep giving the child antibiotics, the child's body will never learn to fight off the germs and the bacteria.
This is the major difference, but this is also the area where we can collaborate very well. Together, we can maintain a child's health and work on prevention. This is where I think there is a tremendous opportunity to collaborate and integrate.
Mao Shing Ni, PhD Doctor of Chinese Medicine, shares advice for parents on how using Chinese medicinal in addition with your Pediatricians treatments can help to keep your child healthier
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Mao Shing Ni, LAc, DOM, PhDDoctor of Chinese Medicine
Dr. Mao Shing Ni, also known as Dr. Mao, is a bestselling author, doctor of Chinese Medicine and an authority on integrative nutrition. He practices with his associates at the Tao of Wellness in Santa Monica and Newport Beach, California, specializing in family medicine, women’s health and pediatrics. Dr. Mao is the co-founder of Yo San University in Los Angeles where he trains healthcare professionals in acupuncture and Chinese medicine. He is a highly sought after speaker and has been featured in numerous media including the NY Times, Dr. Oz, The Doctors and PBS radio. Dr. Mao writes as a Health Expert on Yahoo and Huffington Post. For more information on his best-seller, Secrets of Self Healing, log onto
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