Possible sensitivity to foods transferred via breastmilk
Juli Schneiderman shares her experience identifying possible sensitivities to food while breastfeeding her children.
It's really hard to tell whether your baby is reacting to something in the breastmilk.
A lot of symptoms look like classic colic, but exemplified. Instead of your baby crying two to three hours everyday, my baby was crying six to ten hours every day. The only thing I could do to console him was to bounce him in this chair. He was basically in a catatonic state. He had a distended stomach that was very hard and gassy. He had mucus in his stool. He had a rash on his cheek.
As a second time mother, I knew in my heart that this was not normal. When the doctor said it was colic, I knew it had to be more.
Juli Schneiderman shares her experience identifying possible sensitivities to food while breastfeeding her children.
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Juli SchneidermanStay at Home Mom
Juli is the mother of two beautiful sons – Jordan, age four, and Dailey, age one-and-a-half. In April of 2011, her home was destroyed in a house fire which also took the life of their beloved dog. Due to the stress caused by the fire, she ended up delivering her son Dailey by emergency c-section the same night. She and her husband Josh have recently moved back in to their rebuilt home, and are healing with the help of their sons who constantly keep them laughing.
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