Resolving a nursing strike
Watch Wendy Haldeman, RN, MN, IBCLC's video on Resolving a nursing strike...
Nursing strikes are very common. Before you can solve it, you have to figure out why the baby is striking.
The two most common reasons that I come across are teething or the baby is getting a lot of bottles. The reason why teething can be an issue is because breastfeeding is proactive. When you breastfeed, it brings blood to the gums. If the baby is having pain with those little tooth buds, it hurts. You try and solve that problem first. The way to woo babies back to breast is at night. When babies are sleepy, they will often come back on the nipple without realizing what they are doing.
Another strategy is for mom to get in the bathtub. Often, that nice warm water and the skin to skin contact, moms can ease the baby down on to the nipple. A third strategy is what we call "bait and switch." Mom has her breast exposed and she starts bottle feeding. You gently remove the bottle and replace it with her nipple. Patience and persistence really pays off. Babies really do want to go back to breast.
The other challenge mom is going to have during a nursing strike is that it is common for her milk supply to drop. Lots of pumping and nursing so you can get the baby back to breast.
Watch Wendy Haldeman, RN, MN, IBCLC's video on Resolving a nursing strike...
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Wendy Haldeman, RN, MN, IBCLCLactation Specialist
Wendy Haldeman, MN, RN, IBCLC is a co-founder of the Pump Station and Nurtury. She received both her nursing and lactation education at UCLA, is an International Board Certified Lactation Consultant (IBCLC), and a certified Happiest Baby on the Block instructor. She lectures frequently on human lactation at medical and nursing schools and has been identified by publications, such as Fit Pregnancy, as an expert in her field. Wendy facilitates the New Mother Support groups, and teaches the prenatal Breastfeeding and Baby Care Classes at The Pump Station. She and her husband Tim are proud of their two grown daughters and their 15 month old granddaughter.
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