Tips for successful pumping

Teacher and mom Kristy King gives some simple tips for pumping for busy and working moms. She stresses the importance of relaxing and "just keep going."
Tips for successful pumping | Kids in the House
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Tips for successful pumping

When you first start pumping, you will just get a little bit. When I first started pumping, I only got a half an ounce. So I just kept going. That half ounce turned into an ounce, and I would save it in the freezer. Some of the things that you can do while you're pumping to help you relax, would be to watch TV or listen to music, look at pictures of your baby. One of the things I did was, I listened to the sound of the pump and told myself to let it go. It has this funny sound, but I heard, "let it go," and that kind of helped me to relax. Eventually, I was able to build up more of a supply.

Teacher and mom Kristy King gives some simple tips for pumping for busy and working moms. She stresses the importance of relaxing and "just keep going."


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Kristy King

Breastfeeding Mom

Kristy King was born and raised in Southern California, where she currently lives with her husband, her three year old son, and one year old daughter. She teaches third grade in the award-winning South Pasadena School District.

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