Bonding with your baby while pumping

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Bonding with your baby while pumping | Kids in the House
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Bonding with your baby while pumping

You might think that bottle feeding breast milk to your child is going to interfere with the bond you have with your newborn. And let me just put that to rest right now. Friends may tell you, "Oh the most intimate time I had with my child was when I was nursing," and I don't discredit that. I'm sure it was. But you know what? You're going to bond with your baby regardless. And honestly for me, I found being able to sit down with my baby in one arm and a bottle in my hand and feed him without wondering, "Oh, which boob is full? What side should I feed on? Is he gonna latch? Is my shirt conducive to the football hold?" I don't know. I was relaxed, I was comfortable and I wasn't preoccupied with some of the other things that I was when I was trying to nurse. So if you're comfortable, you're in love with your baby regardless of how you're feeding him. Your bond is going to be just fine.

See Monica Gregory's video on Bonding with your baby while pumping...


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Monica Gregory


Monica Gregory is 30-something stay-at-home-mom whose journey to motherhood has been anything but smooth.  Seven pregnancies, two chemical pregnancies, one twin miscarriage, one VBAC stillbirth, two C-sections, and a total of 11 months on bedrest don't make her an expert on pregnancy or parenting, but they do make her passionate about her role as mother.  Before relocating from Ohio to Nashville, TN, for her husband's job, Monica was a commercial insurance agent. Today, she spends her days with Seth, three, Erin, one, and new baby James, sweeping up graham crackers, playing trains, blogging and cooking...all to the strains of Nick, Jr. in the background.

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