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Baby Toys

Best Toys for Babies

Parent Educators Dana Entin and Donna Holloran, along with Author & Blogger Tsh Oxenreider and RIE Parenting Expert Janet Lansbury review the best types of toys that encourage healthy development in babies. The greatest toys are those that are multi-purpose, creative, and open-ended. Infants and toddlers are experimental and sensory learners. They want to pull, touch, hide, find, and taste!


- Toys that help encourage healthy development for infants and toddlers first and foremost have to be safe. Non-chokeable, non-toxic, non-flammable and without any sharp pieces. The next thing to remember is that infants and toddlers are experiential and sensory learners so they want to take a toy and they want to throw it, they want to push it, they want to pull it, they want to put it in their mouth, they want to hide it and they want to find it. The best thing to think about is to remember to use open-ended toys and not toys that just do one thing. They want to explore and discover.

- Think about looking around your house first and ... Read more

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