Parents may have gone to great lengths to ensure their home is baby proof, but it isn’t completely safe without considering the dangers of common household poisons. Household chemicals can be highly toxic and are enticing to young children, so it’s important to recognize them so you can keep them secure.
It’s important to know what products can harm your child. Products such as paint, batteries, laundry detergent and even antibacterial kitchen and bathroom cleaners contain poisonous materials. Air-fresheners, perfume, cologne and hair products pose a risk as well. Likewise, any furniture or glass cleaner, mothballs and fingernail polish remover should be kept in a high place away from children or in a locked cabinet. Consider having a high shelf or locked cabinet dedicated to the storage of household chemicals. Always keep these areas locked and secure.
Medical toxicologist Dr. Cyrus Rangan also shares many tips on how to keep children safe from these types of products. He suggests keeping poisonous items out of sight and out of mind is the best approach to avoiding accidental poisoning and maintaining safety in your home. When implementing poison control safety measures, parents should keep in mind the height of the child and remember that children are naturally curious. The bright colored bottles and liquids from common household cleaning products often resemble juice or flavored drinks. Their appearance can aid in a child’s decision to ingest the hazardous liquids.
Another very important and also common household poison is over-the-counter and prescription medications. Though fine for adults, one dose of these types of medications can be fatal to a young child. Dr. Rangan warns parents against leaving medications accessible to children. To a child medication can look like candy, and its appearance conceals its danger. Dr. Rangan tells parents to avoid leaving medicines on tables and countertops. He even suggests moms make certain that medications in their purse are secure and away from a child’s reach as well. Parents should make certain that visitors also secure their medications when coming into the home.
When children are old enough, parents need to educate them about the dangers of medication and household products. Registered nurse Richard Pass advises parents on what to do in the event of accidental poisoning. He encourages parents to immediately take their child to the emergency room and to call local poison control.
I didn't know about a lot of these things. Glad I read it!
I am going to go through my house right now and get rid of some stuff!
One time my friends daughter got into her purse and ate some of her medication and had to have her stomach pumped. Scary!