Essential add-ins for your emergency kit

Emergency Preparedness Specialist Cari Butler shares advice for parents on what every family should be sure to have in their emergency preparedness kit
Essential Items For Your Families Emergency Kit - Kids In The House
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Essential add-ins for your emergency kit

When you purchase an emergency kit or make one yourself, there are a few things that are not included in it. For example, if you’re on medication on a daily basis, you absolutely need to have an extra month’s supply of that prescription with you at all times. There are a few other suggestions that I think are a great idea too. Having a little bit of cash on hand in small bills – and people ask me all the time like, “How much cash should I have?” Truthfully, it’s what you can afford, but absolutely have it in small bills. And then the third thing is also having important papers – your car insurance, your homeowners insurance, your medical insurance – all of those things in one place, because if you have to leave, you will have all of that information with you. And then the other thing is if you wear glasses – prescription glasses – throw an extra pair in there as well, so that you’re not running around going, “Oh my gosh! Where are my glasses?”

Emergency Preparedness Specialist Cari Butler shares advice for parents on what every family should be sure to have in their emergency preparedness kit


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Cari Butler

Emergency Preparedness Specialist

Cari Butler is a Westside Los Angeles mom and native Californian whose interest in Emergency Preparedness began when her daughter started school and was required to have a personal emergency kit. That raised the question: "Why shouldn't everyone have an emergency kit?" Her concern led her to thoroughly research the subject and then create her own business. She now provides consultation services for families and businesses, as well as offering the Emergency Café line of kits.

Cari’s mission is to get everyone prepared, and she has been on that mission since 2005.  She has been a guest speaker at several conferences and schools. She was asked to participate in the 100th Anniversary Earthquake Conference in San Francisco. Her client list is a virtual who’s who in Hollywood.  

Cari’s website, was just awarded the 2009 Best Safety Site by Nickelodeon Parent Choice Awards.  Emergency Café backpacks were the “IT” gift this season in the Dancing with the Stars television show gifting suite.  She is also a contributing writer and blogger on many mommy sites including Hot Moms Club, Gurumommy, Twittermoms, City Mommy and Mommy Track’d. In addition she has been featured on several TV shows and has done numerous radio spots as well.  

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