Discipline perspective

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Discipline perspective

We have never disciplined our children or punished our children. And I think the reason is that if they did something and you punished them, clearly they will survive the punishment and I think the wrong lesson gets learned, which is I can stand the punishment. I think the important thing is to say you are disappointed and for them to internalize that. I didn´t want our children to be pleasing us and living up to our values. We wanted them to live up to their own values so that they would in essence discipline themselves.

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Al Checchi

Businessman and Father

Al Checchi is the author of The Change Maker, which catapults readers into a world few will ever experience. Entertaining, fast-paced, and episodic, this memoir of an unconventional agent of change provides a lesson in the values of strategic thinking and responsible leadership found so wanting today. With self-deprecating humor and irony, Al Checchi chronicles the meteoric rise whereby his creativity, strategic thinking, and negotiating skills helped transform three major American institutions-Marriott Corporation, Walt Disney, and Northwest Airlines-and led him to challenge the California political establishment as a candidate for governor. Checchi demonstrates that through experience, vision, courage, and force of personality, one person can make a difference and lead others to move beyond their comfort zones and transform our institutions. 

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