Golden Nugget

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Golden Nugget | Kids in the House
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Golden Nugget

One of my golden nuggets I would say is the affection. Always. Always hug, always kiss, smell, bite and do that also with your partner. And when he’s watching you, give him that love. And he learns from that. Always. Always. You know, and the three of them, fight of hugs, fight of love, fight of affection. Play like that. I think that’s key.

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Alejandro Edda

Young Dad

Alejandro Edda was born in Puebla, Mexico. Growing up as an only child, Alejandro always had a curiosity about creating non-existing worlds and characters. After graduating from high school, he went on to attend IRM, one of the finest Russian Conservatory schools for drama and cinema in Mexico City. He studied 3 years under the Stanislavsky method, and prior to his graduation he was offered a role in a musical play by an established writer/director in San Francisco C.A. After finishing working for the theater company, Alejandro took the opportunity to move to Los Angeles, where he studied for 2 years at a Meisner-based acting studio. In July of 2007 he graduated as one of the top 5 actors of his class. Currently living in Los Angeles, for the past two years Alejandro has worked on independent international movies that have been shown in various film festivals. Luciano Edda, his first son, was born in March of 2009.

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