When vomiting is a concern

Tamiko Jordan, MD, explains when a child's vomiting and associated symptoms should become a concern parents and which signs should alert parents to take their child to the doctor
When Does A Child's Vomiting Become A Concern - Kids Health Tips
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When vomiting is a concern

I think of vomiting in an age group. A child of less than 6 months, I would probably want them check by their doctor. If a child is older, say a toddler or school age, can hold down some clear fluids, is otherwise acting normally, they might be okay managed at home. Worry some signs for me with vomiting or any headache, any stiffed neck, any high fever, any abdominal pain, or obviously vomiting blood in what they are throwing up. Those are all the real good reasons to go to your doctor right away. I tend to worry less. A child who is vomiting in a short-term, may be anyone else in the family has a stomach flu and that child otherwise is healthy. If I had a child who was vomiting continuously or in a chronic basis, that could be a sign of something worrisome especially vomiting first thing in the morning associated with a headache, I would definitely talk to a doctor about that.

Tamiko Jordan, MD, explains when a child's vomiting and associated symptoms should become a concern parents and which signs should alert parents to take their child to the doctor


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Tamiko Jordan, MD

General Pediatrician, Children's Hospital Los Angeles

Dr. Jordan was born in Riverside, California and received her medical degree from Saint Louis University School of Medicine.  She completed her pediatric residency at Cedars Sinai Medical Center and has since worked in many different settings.  Currently she is an attending pediatrician at the Altamed General Pediatric Clinic at Children’s Hospital Los Angeles where she teaches pediatric residents and sees her own patients in private practice.  She has been featured on ABC7 and FOX11 news as well as the Patt Morrison Show on 89.3 KPCC.  Her latest project is the asthma clinic at Altamed, where she can spend more time educating patients and parents about optimizing their asthma care and minimizing ER visits and lost school days.  

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