Pediatricians vs. specialists for food allergies
Joyce Machin, Pediatric Occupational Therapist, shares advice for parents on whether it is best to visit a pediatrician or a specialist for help with your child's food allergies
Pediatricians are getting more knowledgeable about food allergies because food allergies are on a definite rise.
However, I would really recommend to go to your allergist for guidance, management, and next steps to do about food allergies. Because it is on the rise, there is more research happening, there is more questions about it; but it is really going to be a really adamant place to talk to your allergist specialists, about what to do to keep your child safe.
Joyce Machin, Pediatric Occupational Therapist, shares advice for parents on whether it is best to visit a pediatrician or a specialist for help with your child's food allergies
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Joyce MachinMom & Occupational Therapist
Joyce Jung Machin is a wife and mother of two beautiful girls - Maya and Ella. She is a pediatric occupational therapist with over 15 years of experience. She's been able to travel to many countries, complete triathlons, and work with orphans overseas. By far, her greatest pride is her family. Maya, seven years old, has multiple food allergies - wheat, dairy, fish, shellfish, nuts, tree nuts, and sesame. Joyce’s love for cooking has allowed many well-loved family dinners that are safe for all.
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