Food allergy misconceptions

Joyce Machin, Pediatric Occupational Therapist, shares advice for parents on some of the most common food allergy misconceptions in children
Common Food Allergy Misconceptions In Children
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Food allergy misconceptions

The most frustrating misconceptions about food allergies is they really are not taken seriously. So the validity of somebody with a food allergy. It is not because they want to be high maintenance or better service at a restaurant. The reason why they have a food allergy and they are making it known to their server, the manager at a restaurant or a party is because they need to keep themselves safe. So as a parent, it is really frustrating if my gut reaction when I go to a restaurant or if I call ahead and I was talking to the manager or the chef and they are not really taking into account what it takes not to do crosscontamination with foods or what other options that they can have, then it is not a reason for us to go there. And we need to do everything we can to keep her safe because food allergies is a real diagnosed threat and it can really harm her life and potentially cause death.

Joyce Machin, Pediatric Occupational Therapist, shares advice for parents on some of the most common food allergy misconceptions in children


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Joyce Machin

Mom & Occupational Therapist

Joyce Jung Machin is a wife and mother of two beautiful girls - Maya and Ella. She is a pediatric occupational therapist with over 15 years of experience. She's been able to travel to many countries, complete triathlons, and work with orphans overseas. By far, her greatest pride is her family.  Maya, seven years old, has multiple food allergies - wheat, dairy, fish, shellfish, nuts, tree nuts, and sesame. Joyce’s love for cooking has allowed many well-loved family dinners that are safe for all.

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