Are some laundry detergents and fabric softeners toxic?
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Unfortunately, store-bought detergents, laundry detergents and fabric softeners, do have a lot of chemicals in them, and they are rather toxic. So the best way to avoid that is to look for, it's okay to shop at a regular supermarket, you can find a lot of detergents that have less chemicals in them, you want to look for anything that is fragrance-free, that does not have optical brighteners in it, number two, and number three, does not have artificial dye. If you can get rid of those three, you're getting rid of the worst chemicals that are in detergents. Unfortunately, fabric softeners are very offensive to our systems, particularly because they contain phthalates, which are endocrine disrupters. And the phthalates have been linked to cancer in several studies. And with fabric softeners, they use a lot of perfume, a lot of phthalates, to mask all the chemicals that are in fabric softeners. So a better alternative is to take just like a fourth of a cup of distilled vinegar, put it in with your towels so they don't turn crunchy, and that's all you need. You don't have to be keeping your family away from those harsh toxic chemicals.
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Marni AyersEco Mom
Marni Ayers is a green-living advocate, writer and mother. She writes frequently about eco-conscious living and is the founder of Marni is also an award-winning playwright. Her plays have been produced in New York, Los Angeles, Chicago, San Francisco and other cities across the U.S.
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