The safest and greenest products for your pets

GiGi Lee Chang, CEO of Healthy Child Healthy World, shares advice for parents on how to choose the safest and greenest products for your pets and which products should be avoided
The Safest And Greenest Products For Your Pets - Kids In The House
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The safest and greenest products for your pets

When you are thinking about your household pets in wanting to go green and toxic free. It's important to really think about the different product choices that you are going through for children and it's actually very similar. So if you thinking about shampoos and food. Always choose better and non toxic options for your pets as well. So in the case of food, you want to try to choose, all natural hormone free organic if possible in terms of toys and plastic products. Try to make sure they are BPA free and filate free. In terms of Shampoos and personal care again look for products that are free from synthetic fragrance and also are par bin free. With pets you also want to consider the outdoors and the garden. So if you have a garden make sure that you are using, chemical free fertilizers and avoiding pesticides. Your pets will be out there and running around and being exposed, just as your kids would be. Specifically for pets, you really want to avoid the products that have harsh chemicals for flees. Again shampoos, flea collars and different powders. They often have very harsh chemicals that are, while they might kill the flees, they can also create health issues for your pets.

GiGi Lee Chang, CEO of Healthy Child Healthy World, shares advice for parents on how to choose the safest and greenest products for your pets and which products should be avoided


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Gigi Lee Chang

Former CEO of Healthy Child Healthy World

Gigi Lee Chang is the CEO of Healthy Child Healthy World, a national non-profit organization which empowers parents to protect their children from harmful chemicals. She is a frequent speaker on various topics, including children’s health, food and nutrition, as well as socially conscious/sustainable business practices and entrepreneurship and was awarded “Brand Innovator 2008” and “2010” by Brand Packaging. In addition, Gigi has been featured in over 250 national and regional media outlets, including The Wall Street Journal, Entrepreneur, MORE magazine, Yogi Times, KIWI Magazine, Cookie, Parenting, OK! Weekly, Celebrity Baby Blog, TODAY Show, Newsweek and Time Out New York Kids. Gigi is also the Founder of Plum Organics and on the advisory boards of Environmental Media Association (EMA), Pregnancy Awareness Month (PAM), International Baby Planners Association (IBPA) as well as Friends of Baby Buggy.

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