Is a college education still a good investment?
David Roberts, CPA, shares advice for parents on whether the rising prices of paying for college today still make it a good investment for their children's future
A question on a lot of parents´minds is a college education a good investment today with college costs rising tremendously. We have heard a lot about it in the news, the raising from six percent to 13 percent increases across the country. And today a college education can cost from 80 to $125,000 dollars per child if not more in private institutions. So the question really comes. Is it a good investment? And thinking if you have a young family and 18 years from now, my God, what is a college education going to cost then? Two to $300,000 dollars. So you really have to think is it a good investment. In 2009, the U.S. Census Bureau did a study of males´ earning power, of actually young people´s earning power. College educated males were found to earn 85% more than their counterparts without a college education. And females with a college education were found to earn 111% more than their females without a college education.
David Roberts, CPA, shares advice for parents on whether the rising prices of paying for college today still make it a good investment for their children's future
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David RobertsCPA
David Roberts has five children and lives in Southern California with his wife Cynthia, their dog Lucy, and cat named Cooper. Dave has always singled out being an involved parent as his most important life’s work while managing the job responsibilities of being managing partner of his CPA firm, RBZ, LLP in West Los Angeles.
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