What families can learn from the financial housing fiasco of 2008

Gregg Murset, CFP Founder & CEO of MyJobChart, shares advice for parents on the most important lessons for families to take away from the 2008 financial crisis
What Families Can Learn From The 2008 Financial Crisis
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What families can learn from the financial housing fiasco of 2008

The housing crisis and the financial meltdown of 2008 taught us a lot of things. One of the things it taught us is that there are a lot of people living beyond their means and when you do that, you teach your kid to do the same thing. And so one of the things that I think we should really take away from that is that we can't live beyond our means. We literally have to stay within the budget. And kids need to understand that really early on and when they understand that really early on, they're gonna be much more forgiving for, you know, not going on the lavish vacation or not doing something that they maybe want to do because they understand, "Oh, well, there's a budget and we have to live within it." Kids understand that if you teach them that early. One other thing that we learn from the financial meltdown of 2008 is, a lot of people just decided, "Well, I'm just gonna get a home equity loan and buy it even though I haven't saved up for it." And we need to teach our children the pattern of you work, you save, and then you buy. You don't just work and then buy and mortgage your house to do it. That's a bad decision to make. So you literally have to teach them the pattern that you work and you save and then you buy something when you can afford it. And kids understand this very clearly, so I have a son who worked and saved up and bought a scooter and that scooter was very important to him, and he hung it up every night after he rode it. So if I would have bought the scooter for him, it would've been laying out in the front lawn and I would have to go out and pick it up every day and bring it in the garage. But because he saved up and he bought it and he - he would hang it up in the garage each night and really take care of it. So that's what we need to teach our kids is, you've got to work for something, you've gotta save up for something and when you do get that, you take care of it a lot better.

Gregg Murset, CFP Founder & CEO of MyJobChart, shares advice for parents on the most important lessons for families to take away from the 2008 financial crisis


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Gregg Murset, CFP

Founder & CEO, MyJobChart.com

Gregg Murset, CFP, is the father of six children, a Certified Financial Planner and the Founder and CEO of the fastest growing website, MyJobChart.com, which teaches kids about work and money.

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