Understanding the food stamp program

Parenting expert Aaliyah Noble shares advice for parents of teenage parents regarding food stamps, grocery shopping, and nutrition
Parenting Tips for Parents of Teenage Parents - Food Stamps | Kids in the House
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Understanding the food stamp program

A lot of the times, when teenagers have babies, they go to the government programs, such as food stamps. It's important for teenagers to know that they have no limitations in the stores. They don't have to buy the cheapest things in the stores. They can go into the organic section. They can venture off into the fish or the exotic foods. I think the most important thing is that they educate themselves before they go to the grocery store and figure out, what are the most nutritious things that they can have in their refrigerator for themselves and their baby. Also, I think it's important that they realize that a lot of the food stamp programs, in every state, work with the Farmer's Market. You can actually use your food stamp voucher at the Farmer's Market go get fresh produce that's grown from farmers right in your area. That, in turn, will be way more beneficial in the long run than having your refrigerator and pantry stocked full of canned foods and foods that will last a long time, but won't be as good for your child in the long run.

Parenting expert Aaliyah Noble shares advice for parents of teenage parents regarding food stamps, grocery shopping, and nutrition


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Aaliyah Noble

Single Mom

Aaliyah Noble is the single mother of a six year-old son. Despite having her son when she was just a teenager, Aaliyah has had a successful career in the non-profit sector, helping to educate and empower teen parents, and also in production, spearheading a company that produces documentaries and short films. 

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