Having twins

Obstetrician and Gynecologist Sheryl Ross, MD explains the common complications and risks during a twin pregnancy and also discusses the usual twin pregnancy development
Twin Pregnancy Complications - Expert Pregnancy Advice
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Having twins

Some of the things you should know about your twin pregnancy is that term for you will be 36 to 38 weeks. There is much more accelerated growth and development in twins and they tend to be born two to four weeks before a singleton and can be completely healthy babies. We are always concerned about more the complications we see in twin pregnancies in relationship to preterm labor, hypertension, diabetes during pregnancy and spontaneous rupture of membranes. Usually by 28 weeks, we will put you on 50% bed rest in hopes of minimizing some of these complications.

Obstetrician and Gynecologist Sheryl Ross, MD explains the common complications and risks during a twin pregnancy and also discusses the usual twin pregnancy development


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Sherry Ross, MD

Obstetrician & Gynecologist

Sherry A. Ross, MD, received her OB/GYN training at the University of Southern California School of Medicine and she was honored with two teaching awards as a senior medical resident. She was a medical consultant on the books Expecting Fitness and Two at a Time.  She also has appeared on MTV, consulted for Fit Pregnancy, People, In Touch, and Shape Magazine. She has been in private practice in Santa Monica, California for the past 20 years. In addition to her medical practice, Dr. Ross was the President of the Upper and Middle Division of Brentwood School and has been on the board of Planned Parenthood, Los Angeles, for three years. She is married and has three children.

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