Creating a good father-daughter bond

Michael Sinel, MD, Dad & Assistant Clinical Professor, shares advice for single dads on how to create an optimal relationship with your daughter
Single Parenting | Creating A Good Father-Daughter Bond
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Creating a good father-daughter bond

The way you create an optimal father-daughter relationship is when you are with your daughter giving her your full attention. Many dads in this day and age might have help in the house which isn't a bad thing, but they are often not present with their daughter. It's very, very important that you have a lot of alone-time, that you listen to them, that you show an interest in their lives - it might be things that you never had exposure to, but it might be very rich for you to experience their world about dolls and hair and clothes and make-up and things that, as a dad, you might not necessarily be tuned into, but they need to see you focused and interested in them as a person and be sensitive to their needs. Spend a lot of time cuddling with them and time is important, but more important than time, is your attention, your full attention and your full focus. When you are with them, get to know their friends, get to know their lives very well, show a great interest, do their homework with them, teach them things, explore new interests with them and let them feel your love and excitement for every moment you are with them, look forward to it and let them see how excited you are when you pick them up. Bring them presents, surprise them. There is never too much love you can give to your daughter

Michael Sinel, MD, Dad & Assistant Clinical Professor, shares advice for single dads on how to create an optimal relationship with your daughter


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Michael Sinel, MD

Dad & Assistant Clinical Professor, UCLA

Michael Sinel is an assistant clinical professor at UCLA, and author of two books. He practices Yoga and lives in Santa Monica with his family. 

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