Avoiding becoming over-enmeshed with your only child

See Lauren Sandler, MA's video on Avoiding becoming over-enmeshed with your only child...
Avoiding becoming over-enmeshed with your only child | Kids in the House
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Avoiding becoming over-enmeshed with your only child

It is no secret that we live in the age of over-parenting. If you imagine helicopter parenting applied to one child, that´s pretty scary. It just takes mindfulness not to do that. It takes a focus on your child which is off your child if that makes any sense. You can love your child. You can adore your child but if you live as though the sun rises and sets on your child, that´s not going to be good for you kid and that´s not going to be good for you. But just the way we have to be mindful about all other things, you need to take a breath and step back and say am I focusing a little too much on my only child right now and is that focus better-suited elsewhere.

See Lauren Sandler, MA's video on Avoiding becoming over-enmeshed with your only child...


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Lauren Sandler, MA

Journalist & Author

Lauren Sandler is the author of One and Only: The Freedom of Having an Only Child and the Joy of Being One, and a journalist who writes on cultural politics and gender issues for publications like Time, The New York Times, and Slate. And she’s as an only child and the mother of one herself. 

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