When you are the only woman in a house of boys
Heather Gibbs Flett, Blogger & Author, shares advice for moms who are the only woman in their homes on how to enjoy yourself and not feel completely out numbered
So, I am the only woman in the house with 3 sons and a husband. And sometimes, I love it and sometimes I feel I am completely out numbered. But I realize a few things about myself and this process. And one is, it is giving me an excuse to get in touch with my inner super hero and now I have Wonder Woman underwear, I have Captain America framed posters that masks themselves as art work in our living room, and I love it. It is great because i choose the boy thing that can resonate with me. i am also a nerd, i didn't get to play as many Lego's as I wanted as a child, but now I can play as many Lego's as I want. It is a great excuse to get active, to run, to bike, to swim, to play basketball, there is never a reason to sit around although they do like to play their share of video games. But finally, one thing that is funny being a woman, in the house of all boys is I found out that I want to wore dresses more. I have brothers growing up and I was never really a girly girl but i think I'm also finding my way there too. It's been a fun transition for me.
Heather Gibbs Flett, Blogger & Author, shares advice for moms who are the only woman in their homes on how to enjoy yourself and not feel completely out numbered
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Heather Gibbs FlettBlogger & Author
Heather Gibbs Flett co-founded RookieMoms.com, a website dedicated to helping women have more fun in the first years of motherhood, after discovering how intensely amazing, exhausting, boring, and delightful it was to become a mom. She was a bossy big sister, industrial engineer, and web producer before reinventing herself as a mother blogger. She lives in Berkeley, CA with her husband and three sons. If Heather had any spare time, she would love to travel and see more live music.
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