The benefits of having family dinner together daily

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The benefits of having family dinner together daily | Kids in the House
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The benefits of having family dinner together daily

Having dinner together with your family, in my opinion, is one of the most important things you do in your entire day. The reason for that, it's your opportunity, to sit down as a family around the table and find out what's going on that day. Whatever it is. This is the time you can find out. You are sitting around the table. It's nicely set. It's a family event, everybody expects it. It's a routine, that's very important. I love routines. You have the chance to ask the questions that you wonder all day long when you are away. Also, it's a time together. We sit together. We have dinner. We have a wonderful time, most of the time.
ALL PARENTS, Family Life, Family Time

See Magnus Hellberg's video on The benefits of having family dinner together daily...


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Magnus Hellberg


Magnus Hellberg is the proud father of three, two girls and a boy. He thinks you just have to do the best you can raising your kids, and hold on for dear life, be kind yet fair,  and hope for the best. He feels there are no books than can prepare you for kids in the house, so you have to live it in the moment.

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