Creating happy family traditions

Heather Gibbs Flett, Blogger & Author, shares advice for parents on how to create fun, happy, family traditions for the holidays and keep them year after year
Parenting Tips - How To Create Happy Family Traditions
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Creating happy family traditions

Before becoming a mom, I did what I wanted to do around the holidays. I didn't realize how I would become kind of the keeper of the traditions. But that's what happens . So I have a tip - since for a couple of years I was forgetting what Santa did from one year to the next - does he wrap, does he not wrap, how does this all work. One suggestion is to write it down. And one of our readers actually keeps a little note book and she puts it in with the holiday decorations to remember the rules of engagement for the holidays, year after year. For myself, to take stress out, I bake and cook only what I like. And if it's not fun for me to bake the cookies, I do not do it. I learned that my husband and kids liked to bake cookies, and that's fine. They are allowed to. But I find it a headache. So I bake and cook what I like and I am happy to outsource the rest of it to wholefoods. They do a perfectly great job on Thanksgiving and Christmas dinners, and now I don't have that headache. My third suggestion is, again something that I really like, which is buy matching holiday pajamas. And I just force a lot of photos on my kids. There are some times when they are adorable, and just like you imagine in your head. And other times they are fighting with each other, and pulling apart the stockings, and already breaking their gift, but kind of things, those form memories too. And when you're older and you are looking back at these pictures of your 4-year-old and your 2-year-old punching each other in the face, it will be funny. I promise. So take pictures of those moments and that's how you create those memories.
ALL PARENTS, Family Life, Family Time

Heather Gibbs Flett, Blogger & Author, shares advice for parents on how to create fun, happy, family traditions for the holidays and keep them year after year


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Heather Gibbs Flett

Blogger & Author

Heather Gibbs Flett co-founded, a website dedicated to helping women have more fun in the first years of motherhood, after discovering how intensely amazing, exhausting, boring, and delightful it was to become a mom. She was a bossy big sister, industrial engineer, and web producer before reinventing herself as a mother blogger. She lives in Berkeley, CA with her husband and three sons. If Heather had any spare time, she would love to travel and see more live music.

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