Day 1: Jimmy the Elf is back! This year our very own Elf on the Shelf came back, and he made a grand entrance at the Greene family home. Teal was so excited to see Jimmy. Can't wait to see what he gets into tomorrow...Stay tuned!
Day 2: Today we caught Jimmy chilling (no pun intended) making snow angels!
Day 3: All that frolicking in the snow yesterday must have gotten to Jimmy. We found our elf bedridden with the flu. Luckily he had Mrs. Elf to give him a little TLC!
Day 4: Looks like someone enjoyed their chocolate covered donuts!
Day 5: Jimmy and Julia went fishing in Teal’s bathroom today, looks like they caught some goldfish!
Day 6: Jimmy and Julia are having a relaxing time at the marshmallow bath spa, must say we are a bit jealous!
Day 7: Santa's helpers Jimmy and Julia report. Santa will always know if you've been naughty or nice!
Day 8: Teal had four friends waiting for him when he woke up this morning. Family Elf had all gathered for a Christmas card photo session.
Day 9: Jimmy wants to make sure Teal gets his Christmas gifts this year :)
Day 10: Jimmy and Julia took it to a whole nother level today!
Day 11: Our lovely elves had a game of Tic Tac Toe going this morning
Day 12: Everyone needs to go to the bathroom!
Day 13: Who would like a delicious Elf-BLT Sandwich? :)
Day 14: Our Elves are reading Shakespeare this chilly day just before Christmas.
Day 15: Candy cane swinging was on the elves' agenda today. 3 days until christmas!
Day 16: Jimmy on a romantic date with Barbie. 2 more days until Christmas!