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Family Life Articles

Parenting in a Social Context: Why we need to be responsive to fatherhood

Jan 21, 2014
By: Jack Kammer, MSW, MBA
In 1997, Gloria Steinem wrote in Ms. Magazine , “Over the last 25 years, we’ve convinced ourselves and a majority of the country that women can do what men can do. Now we have to convince the majority of the country—and ourselves—that men can do what women can do.” For the sake of our kids and the...
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Family Dinner: Growing strong bodies, growing strong brains

Dec 16, 2013
By: Kristen Race, PhD
We’ve all experienced it. Scarfing down dinner as we drive the kids to soccer practice. Eating spaghetti while SpongeBob blares in the background. Having a perfectly good meal turn into a bargaining session (“If you eat two more bites of broccoli, then you can leave the table…”). Eating dinner as a...
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Commitment to Healthy Relationships with Siblings

Aug 28, 2013
By: Erika Stroh
Despite the fact that I coach parents for a living and have taught children and adults of all ages to communicate, cooperate and resolve conflicts peacefully for over 15 years. My two children, ages 8 and 11, disagree, argue and instigate one another daily, of course some days are better than...
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The Importance of Making Time for Your Children

Aug 12, 2013
Whether you decide you want to become a parent, or you unexpectedly find out you are going to become a parent, the thought of being fully responsible for another life comes as a package deal of emotions. Expecting parents ride emotional rollercoasters ranging from feelings of overwhelming...
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Pink vs. Blue: Children's Toys

Aug 12, 2013
Have you ever noticed how many aisles there are for girl toys vs. boy toys? What if your daughter wanted a transformer? What if your son wanted a baby doll? It is 2013… should gender still play a role in our kids’ lives today? Today’s toy stores are marketed directly for “Pink vs. Blue.” I recently...
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Let's Talk About Men, Mothers, and Monogamy

Jun 28, 2013
By: Wendy Walsh, PhD
Some people wonder why I am obsessed with human relationships, why I ravenously consume all the latest research on love, sex, and marriage. Some wonder if my motivation is to change men or help people have better sex lives. Nothing could be further from the truth. In fact, while I think adults are...
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