Meet Sandy Eiges, MA

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Meet Sandy Eiges, MA | Kids in the House
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Meet Sandy Eiges, MA

My name is Sandy Eiges and I am the owner and president of LA School Scout. LA School Scout helps families find the right fit school for their child, whether it's preschool, elementary, middle, high school or college. We have a college counsellor on staff. We have a special needs specialist on staff as well. We work with families to find really the fit in schools that will work for their child and for their family. So we aim to reduce all of the stress and worry about looking for school for each family. I myself am a single mother to a 10-year-old daughter and wish I had time to do other things, but focus mainly on my work and my child. I occasionally do sneak out to see a movie. I really want to focus though on helping others I think, looking for schools was such a stressful thing in my own life – and I was a professional going into this – that when I started this business almost 7 years ago. I really wanted to be able to have an impact on other families being able to get through this process with as much knowledge as they could possibly have about what their options were.
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Sandy Eiges, MA

Education Consultant

Sandy Eiges, M.S.W., is the founder of L.A. School Scout™ LLC, the top city-wide admissions consulting company for preschool through college. She is not only knowledgeable about private and parochial schools, K-12, including boarding schools, but she is also an expert in explaining and navigating the myriad public school options as well. She has been interviewed for Spectrum News, Beyond the Brochure, the Los Angeles Times, the Hollywood Reporter, and is the school admissions expert on the website Kids in the House. Sandy is a professional member of the Independent Educational Consultants Association (IECA). For the past 15 years Sandy’s company, L.A. School Scout™ LLC, has helped parents with the planning and admissions process for preschool, elementary school, middle, high school and college for their children

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