Meet Linda Gant
Meet Linda Gant, travel agent, mother, and grandmother. Gant's mission is to blend borders around the world through arts.
I am Linda Gant. I live in Los Angeles, California. I'm in my second career as a business owner and travel agent. I specialized in tourist Asia, China and Japan. I am the mother of a beautiful adult daughter and the grandmother of a 10-year-old grandson. I am also a primary caregiver for my mother who has come to live with me for the past four years. My life mission and my passion is to blend borders and cultures around the world and in your communities using the language of the arts. I am also a spiritual practitioner, a life coach and a seminar instructor and I love sharing my joy.
Meet Linda Gant, travel agent, mother, and grandmother. Gant's mission is to blend borders around the world through arts.
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Linda GantMom & Caretaker
Linda Joy Gant’s life mission and passion is to blend borders and cultures locally and around the world using the language of the arts, music and travel. Linda is a business owner of LJoy Travel, specializing in tours to Asia. As an Agape Licensed Spiritual Practitioner, Linda provides her clients with counseling and life coach services. Her services, seminars and training include strategies for developing life and business missions. Linda is a mother, grandmother, sister and a loving caregiver to her mother.
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