Concerns about people who could be sexual predators

See Robin Sax's video on Concerns about people who could be sexual predators...
Concerns about people who could be sexual predators | Kids in the House
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Concerns about people who could be sexual predators

If parents are concerned about a particular family member or a person in society or someone they know, don’t hang out with those people. That would be my first piece of advice. But if you don’t know for sure, the best thing that you can do is teach your kids that you have a feeling of concern about that individual. Teach them about the inner “Uh-uh” feeling. Let them know that you are concerned and have them be able to identify and translate back to you if they feel those same concerns. So for example, you could say, “Listen, I’m kind of concerned about cousin so and so, I think he gives a little bit too many hugs. How do you feel about that?” That’s a great sag way to a conversation that one – identifies the person, but also matches that up with the behavior that causes concern.
ALL PARENTS, Sexual Abuse

See Robin Sax's video on Concerns about people who could be sexual predators...


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Robin Sax

Attorney & Legal Analyst

Robin is a legal analyst for Fox11 Los Angeles (KTTV). She appears there daily offering legal insight and analysis as well as parenting and safety expertise.  She also regularly contributes her legal and parenting expertise to The TODAY Show, Entertainment Tonight, Good Morning America, CNN, and HLN. She covers both the unknown and known high profile cases including Conrad Murray, Charlie Sheen, Lindsay Lohan, Casey Anthony, Jaycee Dugard, OJ Simpson and many more.

Robin is also a former Los Angeles County Deputy District Attorney and Riverside County Deputy District Attorney who specialized in sex crimes against children. For over 15 years she prosecuted some of the most despicable defendants who committed the most heinous crimes, prosecuting hundreds of felony crimes including homicides, stalking, domestic violence, child sexual assault, and gang crimes. 

She is an author who has penned six books, including The Complete Idiot's Guide to the Criminal Justice System and Predators and Child Molesters:  A Sex Crimes DA Answers 100 of the Most Asked Questions all of which draw on her vast experience as a prosecutor and victim right's advocate. Her powerful insights have regularly graced the pages of The Huffington Post, Psychology Today, People Magazine, The New York Times, Cosmopolitan, Marie Claire, The Los Angeles Times and the Women in Crime Ink blog.

In addition to advising numerous legal foundations, Robin regularly shares her valuable insight and expertise through speaking and teaching with members of the FBI, Los Angeles Police Department, Sheriff’s Department, and the California District Attorney’s Association. Robin has served as adjunct professor of Women and Crime at Cal State Los Angeles and lecturer on criminal law and the justice system in UCLA’s Paralegal Training Program.

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