Gay and lesbian adoption
David Brodzinsky, PhD Psychologist & Author, explains how the number of gay and lesbian couples adopting children has increased across the world
More and more gay and lesbian individuals are adopting children in the US and also in many Western countries. In the United States today, 65,000 children live in a gay or lesbian headed household. And that does not include 14,000 children who are being fostered by gays or lesbians. In other Western countries, we find similar trends although it varies from one country to another. In 2005, for example, Spain passed a gay marriage law and with that came the right to adopt children. In other countries like Italy, which is also a Catholic country, adoption by gays and lesbians is not possible.
David Brodzinsky, PhD Psychologist & Author, explains how the number of gay and lesbian couples adopting children has increased across the world
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David Brodzinsky, PhDPsychologist & Author
David Brodzinsky is Associate Professor in the Department of Psychology and Director of the Foster Care Counseling Project at Rutgers University. He also maintains an active private practice serving the clinical needs of children and families, including individuals who are part of the adoption triad. Brodzinsky has written and lectured extensively in the fields of developmental and clinical psychology and is an internationally known expert in the field of adoption. He is co-author of such well-known books as, The Psychology of Adoption, Being Adopted: The Lifelong Search for Self, and Children's Adjustment to Adoption: Developmental and Clinical Issues.
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