Adoption from foster care

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Adoption from foster care

I am very passionate and you know, quite a huge advocate about going why at the county and fosting-adopt a child. I think it’s very not well known in the general public, especially for women who have spent $100k on fertility treatments and often sit empty-handed with no child. Meanwhile in our own communities there are thousands and thousands of waiting children. What was surprising to me, I think that there is still stigma to children in foster care who are ready to adopt they have those empty-looking eyes, that they are all certain ways. I for example, told my adoption agency Children of Los Angeles which I love and adore tremendously. I told them Don’t color match me. I want an exotic child, do not give me a white child. Because I find that very intriguing, so my child is African and was born in Los Angeles. And I met a lot of single parents, you know couples gay parents who said We want our child to look like our own ethnic background because we think it’s easier. And I think it’s important to point out that in our own community there is literally every race – there are white, Asian, Latino, mixed, African American, you name it. And there are thousands of them and they are usually very healthy, beautiful talented children, who really want a home and who want a family. I went to an adoption fail, something I’m not necessarily a fan of. Imagine as a child you are being passed to an adoption fail. I went and I met this beautiful 4 years old blonde girl with curls and blue eyes. And I was matched up with her to spend the day with her. And I walked around playing with her and I asked her, it was in November, and I asked her What do you want for Christmas? And she look at me and she said All I want is a mommy. And it’s still difficult to talk for me about that but I just feel like there is a way to fost-adopt system in a very magical way that a parent or a single parent who has decided to be a mother. I mean the perfect child is out there and you will not have to pay and you will have amazing guidance. And it’s a little bit a roller-coaster potentially but it’s actually something which I personally believe, as a pragmatic person is sometimes way more obvious than spending a lot of money going to international countries and really not taking the time finding out how a difference could be made in front of our own door.

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Susanne Bohnet

Media Finance Specialist

Susanne Bohnet is currently CEO of Serafini Pictures, a US based finance and production company. Ms. Bohnet was previously heading the U.S office of Equity Pictures (Equity Pictures has been the second largest film fund in Germany) where she initiated strategic partnerships with U.S producers, negotiated deals with financiers and talent, oversaw production and handled the day to day operations on behalf of the company.

Ms. Bohnet is also a regular speaker on entertainment panels, as well as on panels within the financial marketplace. Furthermore, she was invited to speak on the primetime CNBC evening news in the Middle East to discuss the demands of the growing international film industry.

Ms. Bohnet is a German native, who moved to Los Angeles approximately 10 years ago. She holds a master’s degree in Media Economics from the Cologne Media Academy; a BA in Film from her studies at the Tisch School of Film in New York City; and University of Communication in Dortmund, Germany.

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