Incorporating your adopted child's culture into your family
Watch Video: Incorporating your adopted child's culture into your family by Charley Kamen, ...
I think it's very important to incorporate race and culture of your child into your everyday life especially for us because we are trans racial family that we make a lot of efforts to incorporate that into our daily life. We also make a lot of efforts to establish relationships with mentors and youth leaders for our child whether it be teachers, coaches that can help establish a racial identity for our child. Maybe we are not in the position to do so. In our family at home, we attend a lot of cultural events that are consistent with our son's culture, we read a lot of books together, we listen to a lot music and watch a lot of movies. We also picked the opportunity to try to help him establish relationship with friends of his age, that are also consistent with his race. We try to meet up with other adoptive families, other cross racial families, so that he can see the interaction between them and their children also, so you can also get racial identity that way.
Watch Video: Incorporating your adopted child's culture into your family by Charley Kamen, ...
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Charley Kamen
Adoptive Dad
Charley Kamen is happily married to the love of his life, and is the proud father of an adopted son named Ben. A licensed attorney and businessman, he has also become an accomplished (albeit amateur) conductor of Thomas the Train.
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