Reluctant Husband Syndrome (RHS) in adoption

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Reluctant Husband Syndrome (RHS) in adoption | Kids in the House
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Reluctant Husband Syndrome (RHS) in adoption

The Reluctant Husband Syndrome is a really interesting component to the adoption experience. It isn't there for all parents or all mothers, but a lot of people definitely experience a reluctant husband. I believe it is because women are naturally, innately drawn to the parenting experience. They are born with the maternal instinct and men are not, so it would just make sense to me that men would be less willing or less interested in parenting someone else's child, let alone parenting their own. I think women use that term when talking to one another and there are many, many parents, fathers who love and adore their adopted children as they would love any child that they had. It is just a term for the husband who is not quite on board yet with the idea. Women are just naturally drawn to the nurturing and raising children, and men may not have that natural instinct.

Watch Video: Reluctant Husband Syndrome (RHS) in adoption by Langka Treadwell, ...


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Langka Treadwell

Adoptive Mom

Langka Treadwell is the mother to seven children adopted from all over the globe. She works and volunteers with organizations affiliated with adoption related issues.

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