How much does it cost to adopt a child

Adoption Attorney Felice Webster explains which expenses for birth mothers that adopting parents can pay for, and how the legality of various expenses can differ by the state
What Expenses Can Adopting Parents Pay For -
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How much does it cost to adopt a child

What adopting parents can pay for, in terms of birth mother expenses, depends on the laws of the state where the adoption is going to be finalized. The adopting parents would have to check with an expert adopting professional in that state, to make sure that any expenses would be legal. Some states have restrictions on the actual amount that can be paid. Some states have the restrictions and expenses have to paid to a birth mom through an agency. Other states have restrictions on expenses, in terms of the type of expenses that are paid. Generally speaking, the expenses need to be reasonable, related to the pregnancy, and related to living expenses. The adoption attorney or agency can advise the adopting parents as to what is appropriate in the adopting parents particular case.

Adoption Attorney Felice Webster explains which expenses for birth mothers that adopting parents can pay for, and how the legality of various expenses can differ by the state


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Felice Webster

Adoption Attorney

Felice Webster has been an Adoption Attorney for over 25 years. It is her privilege to help families come together by adoption, both in independent, stepparent, foster parent, and adult adoptions as well as in re-adoptions of internationally adopted children. She is a Fellow of both the American Academy of Adoption Attorneys and the Academy of California Adoption Lawyers. She enjoys being a frequent speaker on adoption and dependency law at adoption seminars and for foster parent agencies. Felice has been married for over 35 years and has two kids.

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